const boundaries = fetch('data/boundaries.topo.json') .then( response => response.json()) const branchesCsv = fetch('data/public_library_locations.csv') .then( response => response.text()); const ikcCsv = fetch('data/indigenous_knowledge_centre_locations.csv') .then( response => response.text()); const mechanics = fetch('data/mechanics_institute_locations.csv') .then( response => response.text()); const nslaBranches = fetch('data/nsla_library_locations.csv') .then( response => response.text()); var isSmallScreen = window.screen.availWidth < 800; function BaseMap(id) { = id; return L.tileLayer('{id}/tiles/{z}/{x}/{y}?access_token={accessToken}', { attribution: 'Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors, CC-BY-SA, Imagery © Mapbox', maxZoom: 18, id: id, tileSize: 512, zoomOffset: -1, accessToken: mapBoxToken }) } function getIlsColor(f) { return f == 'AIT Aurora' ? '#d16a6e' : f == 'Champ LMSi' ? '#ff00db' : f == 'Civica Spydus' ? '#800080' : f == 'DECD Bookmark' ? '#e1153e' : f == 'Ex Libris Alma' ? '#ff6500' : f == 'Ex Libris Voyager' ? 'yellow' : f == 'Follett Destiny' ? '#df4917' : f == 'Infor V-smart' ? '#e174c1' : f == 'Innovative Polaris' ? '#8e7cc3' : f == 'Innovative Sierra' ? '#ff0000' : f == 'Koha ILS' ? '#2fbf2f' : f == 'Libero' ? '#ffa500' : f == 'Locally developed' ? '#bfdf17' : f == 'OCLC Amlib' ? '#ddb372' : f == 'OCLC WorldShare' ? '#2fbf97' : f == 'SirsiDynix Horizon' ? '#ffff00' : f == 'SirsiDynix Symphony' ? '#115583' : f == 'Softlink Liberty' ? '#00f9ff' : f == 'SumWare Athenaeum' ? '#ff3232' : '#bbb'; } function LocationsLayer(data, color, outline, type) { = data; this.color = color; this.outline = outline; this.type = type; return L.layerGroup([ L.geoCsv(data, { firstLineTitles: true, fieldSeparator: ',', onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { if (type === 'ils') { layer.bindPopup( `${}` + `


` ) } else { layer.bindPopup( `${}` + `

` + `phone: ${}

` ) } }, pointToLayer: function (f, latlng) { let col = type === 'ils' ? getIlsColor( : color; return, {color: col, radius: outline}) // this is an 800m radius around the library } }), L.geoCsv(data, { firstLineTitles: true, fieldSeparator: ',', onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) { layer.bindPopup( `${}` + `

` + `phone: ${}

` ) }, pointToLayer: function (f, latlng) { let col = type === 'ils' ? getIlsColor( : color; return L.circleMarker(latlng, {color: col, radius: 2, fill: true}) } }) ]) } Promise.all([boundaries, branchesCsv, ikcCsv, mechanics, nslaBranches]) .then( data => { // add tile layers for each base map const baseMap = new BaseMap('mapbox/dark-v10') const baseRules = new BaseMap('mapbox/light-v10') const baseIls = new BaseMap('mapbox/light-v10') // attach map to #mapid div above and centre const map ='mapid', { center: [-27.00, 133.000], zoom: isSmallScreen ? 4 : 5, layers: [baseMap] }); // LOCATION LAYERS const branches = new LocationsLayer(data[1], '#FF3961', 800) const ikcs = new LocationsLayer(data[2], '#76DBA7', 800) const mechsAndSoA = new LocationsLayer(data[3], 'rgb(255,165,0)', 800) const otherLibs = new LocationsLayer(data[4], '#75f857', 800) const nslaLibs = new LocationsLayer(data[4], '#FF3961', 20000, 'ils') // add to the initial map on load branches.addTo(map) ikcs.addTo(map) mechsAndSoA.addTo(map) otherLibs.addTo(map) // Use TopoJSON // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // This snippet Copyright (c) 2013 Ryan Clark (MIT License) L.TopoJSON = L.GeoJSON.extend({ addData: function (jsonData) { if (jsonData.type === 'Topology') { for (let key in jsonData.objects) { geojson = topojson.feature(jsonData, jsonData.objects[key]);, geojson); } } else {, jsonData); } }, }); // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // library services fines overlay const fines = new L.TopoJSON(data[0], { style: function(feature){ return { fillColor: getFinesColor(, weight: 3, color: 'white', dashArray: '4', fillOpacity: 0.2 } }, onEachFeature: function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { layer.on({ mouseover: e => highlightFeature(e), mouseout: e => resetHighlight(e, fines), click: e => zoomToFeature(e,, }) } }); // fill patterns for loan period overlay const circles = new L.PatternCircle({ color: '#000', weight: 1, radius: 2, x: 4, y: 4, fill: true, fillOpacity: 1 }); const loanTwo = new L.Pattern({ width: 8, height: 8 }) loanTwo.addShape(circles); loanTwo.addTo(map); const loanThree = new L.StripePattern({ color: '#000' }); loanThree.addTo(map); const loanFour = new L.StripePattern({ color: '#000', weight: 6, spaceWeight: 2, angle: 45 }); loanFour.addTo(map); const loanSix = new L.StripePattern({ color: '#000', weight: 2, spaceWeight: 6, angle: 135 }); loanSix.addTo(map); function getLoanFillPattern(w) { return w == '2' ? loanTwo : w == '3' ? loanThree : w == '4' ? loanFour : w == '6' ? loanSix : null } // loan period overlay const loanPeriod = new L.TopoJSON(data[0], { style: function(feature){ return { weight: 3, color: '#fff', dashArray: '4', fillOpacity: 0.2, fillColor: '#bbb', fillPattern: getLoanFillPattern( } }, onEachFeature: function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { layer.on({ mouseover: e => highlightFeature(e), mouseout: e => resetHighlight(e, loanPeriod), click: zoomToFeature }) } }); // integrated library management software const ils = new L.TopoJSON(data[0], { style: function(feature){ return { fillColor: getIlsColor(, weight: 3, color: 'white', dashArray: '4', fillOpacity: 0.2 } }, onEachFeature: function onEachFeature(feature, layer) { layer.on({ mouseover: e => highlightFeature(e), mouseout: e => resetHighlight(e, ils), click: e => zoomToFeature(e,, }) } }); // ++++++++++++++ // control layers // ++++++++++++++ const baseMaps = { 'Libraries' : baseMap, 'Rules' : baseRules, 'Library Management Software' : baseIls } // change the branches overlay names depending on the mode. const modeButton = document.getElementById('mode-button'); var overlayMaps = {} function setGeneral() { overlayMaps = { 'Settler Knowledge Centres' : branches, 'Indigenous Knowledge Centres' : ikcs, 'Mechanics Institutes' : mechsAndSoA, 'Colonial Knowledge Centres' : otherLibs } modeButton.setAttribute('class', 'visible'); modeButton.innerText = 'View in Colonial Mode'; } function setColonial() { overlayMaps = { 'Public Libraries' : branches, 'Indigenous Knowledge Centres' : ikcs, 'Mechanics Institutes' : mechsAndSoA, 'National & State Libraries' : otherLibs }; modeButton.setAttribute('class', 'visible'); modeButton.innerText = 'View in Standard Mode'; } if (sessionStorage.getItem('mapMode') === 'colonial') { setColonial() } else { setGeneral() } // add control layers var mapControl = L.control.layers( baseMaps, overlayMaps, { 'collapsed' : isSmallScreen } ).addTo(map); // scale L.control.scale().addTo(map); // info boxes const infoBoxes = { branches: L.control(), fines: L.control(), loanPeriod: L.control(), serviceInfo: L.control({position: 'topleft'}) } // switching mode between standard and colonial function switchMode() { if (sessionStorage.getItem('mapMode') === 'colonial') { sessionStorage.setItem('mapMode', 'general'); setGeneral() mapControl.remove(); infoBoxes.branches.remove() mapControl = L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps, {'collapsed': isSmallScreen}).addTo(map); if (!isSmallScreen) { infoBoxes.branches.addTo(map) } } else { sessionStorage.setItem('mapMode', 'colonial'); setColonial() mapControl.remove(); infoBoxes.branches.remove() mapControl = L.control.layers(baseMaps, overlayMaps, {'collapsed': isSmallScreen}).addTo(map); if (!isSmallScreen) { infoBoxes.branches.addTo(map) } } } modeButton.addEventListener('click', switchMode, false); function getFinesColor(f) { return f == 'no' ? '#4dac26' : f == 'yes' ? '#d01c8b' : f == 'adults' ? '#f1b6da' : f == 'by_lga' ? '#abd9e9' : f == 'no_unconfirmed' ? '#b8e186' : '#bbb'; } // highlight feature on mouse hover function highlightFeature(e) { const layer =; layer.setStyle({ weight: 6, color: '#FF3961', dashArray: '0', fillOpacity: 0 }); if (! && !L.Browser.opera && !L.Browser.edge) { layer.bringToFront(); } if (!isSmallScreen) { infoBoxes.serviceInfo.addTo(map) infoBoxes.serviceInfo.update( } } function zoomToFeature(e, props) { map.fitBounds(;` ${}` + `

Fines: ` + ( props.fines === 'no' ? 'No' : props.fines == 'no_unconfirmed' ? 'Probably no' : props.fines === 'yes' ? 'Yes' : props.fines == 'adults' ? 'No for children' : props.fines == 'by_lga' ? 'Varies by LGA' : 'Unknown' ) + `
Loans : ` + (!props.standard_loan_weeks || props.standard_loan_weeks == '?' ? `Unknown` : `${props.standard_loan_weeks} weeks`) + `
Software : ` + (!props.ILS || props.ILS == '?' ? `Unknown` : `${props.ILS}`) + `
Website: ` + (! || == '?' ? `Unknown` : `` + `${}` + ``) + `

` ).openPopup() } // clear on mouseout function resetHighlight(e, layer) { layer.resetStyle(; infoBoxes.serviceInfo.remove() } // this is used to add general info when each layer is added function addLegend() { this._div = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'info') this.update(); return this._div; } // FINES LEGEND infoBoxes.fines.onAdd = addLegend; infoBoxes.fines.update = function (props) { this._div.innerHTML = `

Hover over an area for more information

Fine free
Fine free (unconfirmed)
Fine free for children
Fine policy varies
Fines for all users
Unknown (help me find out!)
` }; // BRANCH LOCATIONS LEGEND infoBoxes.branches.onAdd = addLegend; infoBoxes.branches.update = function (props) { this._div.innerHTML = `

Library Branches

Circles represent an 800 metre radius from the library location. This is the distance generally used by urban planners to represent "conceptually within walking distance" for most people.

`}; if (!isSmallScreen) { infoBoxes.branches.addTo(map) // add by default it larger screen } // STANDARD LOAN PERIOD LEGEND infoBoxes.loanPeriod.onAdd = addLegend; infoBoxes.loanPeriod.update = function (props) { this._div.innerHTML = `
2 weeks
3 weeks
4 weeks
6 weeks
Unknown (help me find out!)
` }; // FOCUSSED AREA INFOBOX (pops up on top left) infoBoxes.serviceInfo.onAdd = addLegend; infoBoxes.serviceInfo.update = function(props) { if (props) { this._div.innerHTML = `


` + '

' + ( props.fines === "no" ? "Fine free for overdue items" : props.fines == "no_unconfirmed" ? "Probably no overdue fines" : props.fines === "yes" ? "Overdue fines for all users" : props.fines == "adults" ? "No overdue fines for children" : props.fines == "by_lga" ? "Fine policy varies" : "No fines data" ) + '
' + (!props.standard_loan_weeks || props.standard_loan_weeks == "?" ? `No loan period data` : `${props.standard_loan_weeks} week loans`) + `
Software: ` + (!props.ILS || props.ILS == "?" ? `Unknown` : `${props.ILS}`) + '

' } } // loan period layer is always at bottom map.on('overlayadd', l => { if ( == "Loan Period") { loanPeriod.bringToBack() } }) // change overlays depending on base layer // we remove info boxes before adding them again where relevant // this is so we don't accidentally stack up multiple copies dependng on user // navigation journey var ilsMaps = { "NSLA Libraries" : nslaLibs, "Local Libraries" : ils } map.on('baselayerchange', l => { for (let k in infoBoxes) { infoBoxes[k].remove() } if ( == "Rules") { modeButton.setAttribute('class', 'hidden'); // hide the mode button when it's not relevant mapControl.addOverlay(fines, "Fines") mapControl.addOverlay(loanPeriod, "Loan Period") loanPeriod.addTo(map) fines.addTo(map) for (let i in overlayMaps ) { mapControl.removeLayer(overlayMaps[i]) overlayMaps[i].remove() } for (let i in ilsMaps ) { mapControl.removeLayer(ilsMaps[i]) ilsMaps[i].remove() } // ils.remove() if (!isSmallScreen) { // only add infoboxes to larger screens infoBoxes.loanPeriod.addTo(map) infoBoxes.fines.addTo(map) } } else if ( == "Library Management Software") { modeButton.setAttribute('class', 'hidden'); // hide the mode button when it's not relevant // remove any other layers for (let i in overlayMaps ) { mapControl.removeLayer(overlayMaps[i]) overlayMaps[i].remove() } mapControl.removeLayer(fines) mapControl.removeLayer(loanPeriod) fines.remove() loanPeriod.remove() // add ILS layer // TODO: here we add NSLA libraries // mapControl.addOverlay(nslaLibs, "National/State libraries") // mapControl.addOverlay(ils, "Local Libraries") ils.addTo(map) nslaLibs.addTo(map) for (let k in ilsMaps ) { mapControl.addOverlay(ilsMaps[k], k) } } else { // if 'Libraries' layer... mapControl.removeLayer(fines) mapControl.removeLayer(loanPeriod) fines.remove() loanPeriod.remove() for (let i in ilsMaps ) { mapControl.removeLayer(ilsMaps[i]) ilsMaps[i].remove() } branches.addTo(map) for (let k in overlayMaps ) { mapControl.addOverlay(overlayMaps[k], k) } if (!isSmallScreen) { infoBoxes.branches.addTo(map) } modeButton.setAttribute('class', 'visible'); } }) // remove the loading message once everything is loaded const loadingDiv = document.getElementById("loading"); loadingDiv.remove() })