% CHEATSHEET(7) Version 1.0 | Cheatsheet for stuff Hugh forgets % Hugh Rundle NAME ==== **cheatsheet** - tips and reminders for Hugh. DESCRIPTION =========== This is a man page to remind Hugh of some basic commands and techniques he uses but forgets a lot in git, Python etc. EXAMPLES ======== **git** `git branch -d [name of branch to delete]` : Delete a git branch `git reset [file]` : *Unstage* file but retain contents `git _reset_ [commit]` : *Undo* all commits after *commit*, preserving changes locally `git reset HEAD --hard` : *Undo* all changes to tracked files (since last commit) `git clone [url]` : Download project and its history `git merge [branch]` : Merge changes from *branch* into the current local branch `git fetch [remote] pull/[id]/head:[branchname]` : Where *remote* is the remote name you want to fetch from, *id* is the PR id, and *branchname* is the name you want to give to the new LOCAL branch you will create with this command. e.g. *fetch bookwyrm pull/999/head:testing* **python** `python -m http.server [port]` : Spins up a web server with file root wherever you called this from, on *port* `venv` : TODO **Docker** `docker volume prune` : Delete all volumes not being used by a currently-running process. `docker exec -d [container] [command]` : Execute a *command* inside the running *container* as a daemon (background task) **hashes and random strings** `openssl rand -hex [number]` : Create a random string with *number* of bytes, using hex `openssl rand -base64 [number]` : Create a random string with *number* of bytes, using base64 `echo -n "string to hash" | md5` : returns an md5 hash of the string `md5 big_huge_file.iso` : returns md5 hash of the file `openssl md5 big_huge_file.iso` : also returns md5 hash of the file **Duck Duck Go** *https://duckduckgo.com/?q=password+strong+32* : Strong random password *https://duckduckgo.com/?q=qr+code+your+text+here* : Get a QR code for returning whatever text you entered SEE ALSO ==== git(1) python(1) md5(1)