% Blog(1) Version 1.0 | Tips for the blog command and using Zola % Hugh Rundle NAME ==== **blog** - helper command for zola. DESCRIPTION =========== Here are some tips for Hugh's custom Zola set up. EXAMPLES ======== **aside** : appears on the righthand side in desktop or underneath in mobile view ``` {% aside() %} Hello there! This is [a link](https://hugh.run) {% end %} ``` **quote** : block quote - fills the entire screen ``` {% quote(author="Hugh Rundle", title="Shit Hugh said", url="https://hugh.run") %} Zola is a pretty cool rendering engine, I must admit. {% end %} ``` **link** : For the _/links_ section - this combines a comment with a quote ``` {{ link( url="https://aeon.co/essays/we-should-take-awkwardness-less-personally-and-more-seriously", title="Here is the title of the article", quote="Awkwardness highlights the fact that our interactions are scripted." ) }} ``` SEE ALSO ==== cheatsheet(7)