# Discord cardiParty webhook This is a simple webhook to push new cardiParties into the cardiParty channel. ## install 1. Create and activate [virtual env](https://docs.python.org/3/library/venv.html) 2. Install requirements: `pip install -r requirements.txt` 3. Set up a cronjob (see below) 4. Test cronjob works 5. Relax ## How it works We run this on the newcardigan wordpress server. 1. With a cron job we call `get_party.sh` 2. The shell script set env values and uses the civiCRM API using `cv` to grab the details of the latest cardiParty 3. We pipe that string into `webhook.py` 4. The script checks a custom RSS feed for new parties 5. If no new party, end 6. If new party, 1. save the guid to `latest_post.txt` for the next round of checking 2. use the image and title from the RSS feed and the details from the cv API call 3. publish via a webhook to Discord ## env values These are all set in `get_party.sh`, not in crontab. Because we need most of them in a subsequent call (either inside `cv` or in `webhook.py`) we `export` them all. We need to include some secrets via environment values: **channel** is the channel ID (`DISCORD_CHANNEL`) **token** is the secret token for the webhook (`DISCORD_TOKEN`) **cardiparty_ping** is the ID of the `@cardiParty ping` role (`DISCORD_CARDIPARTY_PING`) There are also a couple of other things we need to do: **civicrm_settings** - set `CIVICRM_SETTINGS` so that `cv` can find it **venv** - we need to activate the venv using `source ` ## Cron job command ```sh */15 * * * * cd /home/cardigan/rss-discord-bot && ./get_party.sh ``` `get_party.sh` should pipe a string like this into `webhook.py`: ``` [{"id":108,"title":"Melbourne Art Library","address.city":"Melbourne","start_date":"2024-04-06 16:30:00","summary":"Melbourne Art Library (MAL) is a not-for-profit lending library that collects specialised art and design texts. They are proudly independent and are curious about what being a 'library' means."}] ``` ## RSS feed The rss feed is `https://newcardigan.org/category/cardiparties/?feed=cardipartyfeed`. This special `cardipartyfeed` is a slightly modified RSS2 feed. The only thing it does differently is filter out everything that isn't a cardiparty ,and include the featured image in an `enclosure` so that we can pick it up directly from the feed. See the newcardigan WordPress theme for how this works.