{% extends "layout.html" %} {% block container %}
{% block intro %}{% endblock %} {% block title %}

{{ title }}

{% endblock %}
{% block content %}

You can contribute to Aus GLAMR by registering a blog, newsletter, event, or discussion group. Creators or content should be Australasian-based.

Register a blog

We have a capacious definition of "blog". If it's a website that often or sometimes has Strong GLAMR Themes, with an RSS or Atom feed, you can register it here.

Register blog

Register a group

A "group" could be an email list, a subreddit, Mastodon server, etc. If it's a many-to-many electronic medium, it's probably a discussion group.

Register group

Register a newsletter

Whether it uses Ghost, Write.as, Mailchimp or something else, if it's an email newsletter with some kind of GLAMR focus you can register it here.

Register newsletter

Register an event

Conference, convention, seminar, workshop, talk, meet-up...
Whatever you call it, you know what we mean.

Register event

Register or update a Call for Papers

When you register your event you can also register a "call for papers", "call for proposals" or whatever it's called for your event. Forgot? Extended or re-opened the call? Use this form.

Register CFP
{% endblock %}
{% endblock %}