"""useful functions that are not associated with models or views""" import re from bs4 import BeautifulSoup import feedparser import logging import requests from django.conf import settings from django.core.mail import EmailMessage from django.utils.encoding import iri_to_uri headers = {"user-agent": "Aus-GLAM-Blogs/0.0.1"} timeout = (4, 13) def get_feed_info(feed): """parse a feed for basic blog info""" b = feedparser.parse(feed) blog = {} blog["feed"] = feed blog["title"] = getattr(b.feed, "title", "") blog["author_name"] = getattr(b.feed, "author", None) blog["description"] = getattr( b.feed, "subtitle", None ) # summary for a FEED is "subtitle" return blog def get_blog_info(url): """given a url, return info from the site including the feed URL""" try: r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout) r.raise_for_status() soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, "html.parser") links = soup.find_all(type=["application/rss+xml", "application/atom+xml"]) blog_info = {} try: author = soup.select_one('meta[name="author"]').get("content") except AttributeError: try: author = soup.select_one('meta[name="creator"]').get("content") except AttributeError: author = None try: description = soup.select_one('meta[name="description"]').get("content") except AttributeError: description = None if len(links) > 0: blog_info = get_feed_info(links[0].get("href")) if hasattr(soup, "title") and soup.title: blog_info["title"] = soup.title.string # use the scraped title else: blog_info["title"] = blog_info.get( "title" ) # use the title from the feed blog_info["description"] = description or blog_info.get("description", "") blog_info["author_name"] = blog_info.get("author", author) else: return False # if there is no feed info we need to put the onus back on the user to fill in the data normalised_author = blog_info["author_name"] or None if normalised_author: normalised_author = normalised_author.replace("(noreply@blogger.com)", "") if normalised_author.strip() == "Unknown": normalised_author = "" else: normalised_author = "" blog_info["author_name"] = normalised_author return blog_info except requests.Timeout: logging.warning(f"TIMEOUT error registering {url}, trying longer timeout") r = requests.get(url, headers=headers, timeout=(31, 31)) r.raise_for_status() # let it flow through, a timeout here means the site is unreasonably slow except Exception as e: logging.error(f"CONNECTION ERROR when registering {url}") logging.error(e) return False def get_webfinger_subscribe_uri(username): """given a username, return the url needed to follow the user""" try: regex = re.match(r"(?:.*@)(.*)", username) domain = regex.group(1) if username[0] == "@": username = username[1:] webfinger_url = ( f"https://{domain}/.well-known/webfinger/?resource=acct:{username}" ) r = requests.get(webfinger_url, headers=headers, timeout=timeout) r.raise_for_status() except requests.Timeout: logging.warning(f"TIMEOUT error finding {username}, trying longer timeout") r = requests.get(webfinger_url, headers=headers, timeout=(31, 31)) r.raise_for_status() # let it flow through, a timeout here means the site is unreasonably slow except Exception as e: logging.error(f"CONNECTION ERROR when subscribing via {username}") logging.error(e) return None data = r.json() user_id = False template = False for link in data["links"]: if link["rel"] == "self": user_id = link["href"] if link["rel"] == "http://ostatus.org/schema/1.0/subscribe": template = link["template"] if user_id and template: encoded_user = iri_to_uri("ausglamr@ausglam.space") uri = template.replace("{uri}", encoded_user) return uri return None def send_email(subject, message, recipient): """send an email""" msg = EmailMessage( subject, message, settings.DEFAULT_FROM_EMAIL, [recipient], ) msg.content_subtype = "html" msg.send()