{{ title }}
{% endblock %}You can contribute to Aus GLAMR by registering a blog, newsletter, event, or discussion group. Creators or content should be Australasian-based.
Register a blog
We have a capacious definition of "blog". If it's a website that often or sometimes has Strong GLAMR Themes, with an RSS or Atom feed, you can register it here.
Register blogRegister a group
A "group" could be an email list, a subreddit, Mastodon server, etc. If it's a many-to-many electronic medium, it's probably a discussion group.
Register groupRegister an event
Conference, convention, seminar, workshop, talk, meet-up... Whatever you call it, you know what we mean.
Register eventRegister a newsletter
Whether it uses Ghost, Write.as, Mailchimp or something else, if it's an email newsletter with some kind of GLAMR focus you can register it here.
Register newsletterRegister or update a Call for Papers
When you register your event you can also register a "call for papers", "call for proposals" or whatever it's called for your event. Forgot? Extended or re-opened the call? Use this form.
Register CFP